our courses offer a high standard and quality of CPD packages for all levels of education organisation, from universities and colleges to schools and community organisations.
A life coach practitioner works on the persons’ mind, behaviour, attitude, spirit and soul for instant and achievable results.
Giving sound advice to all parents on dealing with education and managing behaviour in a positive way
Helping parents to advance themselves as teachers from within the home so to increase the academic performance of their children.
A range of courses are available to further educate teachers, trainers and mentors. Working from a wide base of experience and material.
This course helps to develop a direct approach in gaining a desired behaviour and improving a child's self-esteem.
This course develops the relationship between parent & child and formulates a more direct approach in gaining a desired behaviour.
This course delves into the issues parents face in a relationship and how to cope or survive them, when the relationship has terminated and we still need to be parents or carers.
Our ‘Black & African History’ courses are designed so that we can better understand the full social aspects that influenced black history.
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